Tuesday 24 January 2012

Wild Swimming with Retro Style

Gliding through Roger Deakin's Waterlog: A Swimmer's Journey Through Britain. Looking forward to the sea, small inlets and plunge pools warming up enough for me to take my first dip of 2012, so forward planning whilst I wait. Here's to more floating in the crystal clear sea.

Sunday 22 January 2012

January's Cornish Blue

So it has been a little quiet recently, time has flown, visitors have come and gone and January is suddenly closing it's doors. The coast is looking cold and grey, yet blue skies are still here, like a small reminder, a subtle hint or a gentle nudge for what is to come. 

Sunday 20 November 2011

Big Blue Skies & Autumn Sunshine

A big blue sky after a day of rain made us get up, get out and get walking. We explored the Victorian seafront of the local beach and discovered a local swimming tradition that had the swimmers in their swimmers racing out to a bright yellow bouy. With the sun on the sea and the sky as light and as clear as a Summer morning we decided November might be our favourite month.

Monday 7 November 2011

21 seconds to go...

6 months have flown by, and it was time to decide whether we went back to the Big Smoke or stayed here for another 6 months...
An Autumnal day on the beach helped with our decision and, we have to stay, still too much to do. 

Saturday 10 September 2011

Tangle, Tackle & Turquoise

A tangle of turquoise fishing netting made the sand and the sky bluer and brighter. The day was spent finding feathers and stones to compliment and enhance our seaside find. But, in the end I prefer it simple.

Friday 9 September 2011

The Colours of the Coast

A misty grey day by a gritty beach 
jetty. Home to boats of grey blues, green greys and the pale, pale browns of their weather beaten wood.

Friday 26 August 2011

Summer Roses & Hundred's and Thousand's

A neighbour told me of a little tucked away charity shop that turned out to be a total gem. Not knowing where to look first, a large bowl with four matching little bowls stood out amongst the plastic picnicware. 
Anyone for trifle?